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*DIGI-V* Mitarbeitende motivieren (Englische Version)
E-Learning - Motivating Team Members

English version of the course 200.038

Target group

All employees at universities in NRW.


When employees hide behind their desks, it may not be because of ill will or convenience. They often lack knowledge, ability and confidence in themselves. So how can managers motivate their employees to come out of their shell and conquer new tasks? In this e-learning, the participants will learn helpful methods of employee motivation. This courses focuses on "self-efficacy".

What you’ll learn

  • Understanding basic principles of motivation
  • Recognizing and eliminating demotivators
  • Creating individual incentives for team members
  • Making task descriptions and activities motivating
  • Motivating your employees


You can log in with your university account or an existing ILIAS account of HÜF and access the course without any further registration or activation.

To the course: Motivating Team Members

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

Digi-V, DH-NRW und MKW Logo

*DIGI-V* Mitarbeitende motivieren (Englische Version)
E-Learning - Motivating Team Members

English version of the course 200.038

Target group

All employees at universities in NRW.


When employees hide behind their desks, it may not be because of ill will or convenience. They often lack knowledge, ability and confidence in themselves. So how can managers motivate their employees to come out of their shell and conquer new tasks? In this e-learning, the participants will learn helpful methods of employee motivation. This courses focuses on "self-efficacy".

What you’ll learn

  • Understanding basic principles of motivation
  • Recognizing and eliminating demotivators
  • Creating individual incentives for team members
  • Making task descriptions and activities motivating
  • Motivating your employees


You can log in with your university account or an existing ILIAS account of HÜF and access the course without any further registration or activation.

To the course: Motivating Team Members

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

Digi-V, DH-NRW und MKW Logo

  • Kursnummer: 200.075
  • can be accessed online at any time via ILIAS
  • E-Learning
16.03.25 08:35:47
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