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*DIGI-V* Zeitmanagement (Englische Version)
E-Learning - Time Management

English version of the course 200.016

Target group

All employees at universities in NRW.


Anyone wanting to use time productively must first have an idea of where their time currently goes. This e-learning begins by inviting participants to write down their estimates. Then, for two weeks, write down what you've done during every hour of the day. This self-assessment will then be used as a basis for learning the essential methods of time management: the Pomodoro Method, batching, timeboxing, and prioritizing according to the Eisenhower Matrix. The goal is for participants to learn to manage their time in a way that other team members can rely on. This e-learning can also be used to get to know individual methods more closely.

What you’ll learn

  • Understanding the basics of time management
  • Setting targets and deriving tasks from these
  • Setting clear priorities
  • Making batching more effective
  • Benefiting from the advantages of timeboxing
  • Using the Pomodoro method to focus on your work


You can log in with your university account or an existing ILIAS account of HÜF and access the course without any further registration or activation.

To the course: Time Management

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

Digi-V, DH-NRW und MKW Logo

*DIGI-V* Zeitmanagement (Englische Version)
E-Learning - Time Management

English version of the course 200.016

Target group

All employees at universities in NRW.


Anyone wanting to use time productively must first have an idea of where their time currently goes. This e-learning begins by inviting participants to write down their estimates. Then, for two weeks, write down what you've done during every hour of the day. This self-assessment will then be used as a basis for learning the essential methods of time management: the Pomodoro Method, batching, timeboxing, and prioritizing according to the Eisenhower Matrix. The goal is for participants to learn to manage their time in a way that other team members can rely on. This e-learning can also be used to get to know individual methods more closely.

What you’ll learn

  • Understanding the basics of time management
  • Setting targets and deriving tasks from these
  • Setting clear priorities
  • Making batching more effective
  • Benefiting from the advantages of timeboxing
  • Using the Pomodoro method to focus on your work


You can log in with your university account or an existing ILIAS account of HÜF and access the course without any further registration or activation.

To the course: Time Management

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

Digi-V, DH-NRW und MKW Logo

  • Kursnummer: 200.095
  • can be accessed online at any time via ILIAS
  • Geschäftsstelle:
18.10.24 10:37:25